A girl with seabite on her face - and a pink scarf covering her head and neck - runs, panting.
The Great Salabay Aquifer - One Week Earlier
The girl runs across a small bridge and past cascades of flowing holy water. Other seabitten children are bathing under the waterfalls, walking on the paths, and talking in the vicinity. A priestess carries an umbrella over a child. Palm trees and vine-covered arches rise above them all. The sky is grey, and rain falls lightly.
The girl stops at an alcove, where three other children are at an umbrella-covered table, playing cards. One of them is Eddy. The other two are newcomers from the previous day's welcome ceremony - a dark-skinned boy with a seabitten arm and foot, and a medium-skinned girl with her ears bitten.
Camille: -huff- -huff- HEY!
Camille looks panicked and out of breath. Raindrops gather on her loosely-fitting scarf.
Camille: -huff- -huff- I'm so sorry for shouting, but... Pavel's not back yet, yeah? And you said he lives nearby?
The other kids look up from their card game as she speaks.
Camille (offscreen): There's a house on an islet to the east. It's on fire!